Saturday, April 28, 2012


My supporters are all very decent people. Very respectable and unable to fight an election if that means attacking others even if they need attacking. I have had objections to my blog which is quite aggressive and not acceptable to my supporters who to be fair did originally want me to stand aside and just allow them to canvass for me. They have made and delivered something like 7.000 leaflets all over the ward and that is something I would not have been able to do as I use a wheelchair. The final straw came last night when I was informed by a canvasser the campaign was over and nobody was going to canvass for me as it was alledged Andrew Cann's mother had telephoned my canvasssers and complained about my blog which is my only tool. I had to either lose all my support and upset a very dear friend or quit writing my blog. I gave them the password for my blog and said they could edit the stuff they or alledgedly Rosie Cann objected too and I wouldn't write on here again. It is now nearly 2pm and nobody has accessed my blog to edit stuff out that alledgedly Andrew Cann's mother didn't like so it seems my canvassers have actually walked away and given up. That leaves the field open for me as far as this blog is concerned and so I will now replace the stuff I removed alledgedly to please Rosie Cann and fight on alone. I believe a fighter is required if one wants to win an election in a ward where the major parties have already decided the result will be a win for the Andrew Cann who will also be our next candidate as MP for this town as Ben Gummer is abandoned. Tally ho and off we jolly well go then, back into the fray with but one target. To win and to win fairly. Peter Turtill will stamp out corrupt practises in Ipswich starting with this election if you, the voters help me by voting not only for me but to show your repugnance of the political parties who had already decided who was to be your councillor. Don't stay at home as that allows those controlling the elections to believe they can get away with it as you just don't care. Vote Turtill and fight back.

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About Me

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I am 69 and have to use a wheelchair but I never allow this issue to interfere with anything I want to achieve. I would like young people and even those not yet born to be able to enjoy growing up in Ipswich as much as my generation did. We never stayed around the town or housing areas as we spent our time in the countryside doing what kids do and annoying nobody. We all learned to live off the land and to appreciate the countryside too. No drugs or alcohol needed to have a really good time and grow into mature adults. My wife and I spend our time as volunteers and we have spent many a happy day taking disabled people sailing on the River Orwell. We hope to expand this year with more boats.

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